Why Your Skin Needs Collagen So Much

In order to stop the process of collagen depletion and to supplement its deficiencies, the cosmetics market offers preparations containing collagen of animal or plant origin, similar in structure to human collagen.
Beauty In Collagen


Collagen, so appreciated not only in medicine but also in the cosmetics industry, is, according to the scientific definition, a protein of a fibrous nature, which is one of the most important components of the human and animal body. It is responsible for the elasticity, firmness and maximum hydration of the skin as well as the reconstruction of its cells. However, over time, our body loses the ability to spontaneously produce collagen in tissues. Its deficiencies cause less elasticity of the skin and the appearance of the first wrinkles. Defects in collagen fibers are also the result of many diseases and overloading of the osteoarticular system.

In order to stop the process of collagen depletion and to supplement its deficiencies, the cosmetics market offers preparations containing collagen of animal or plant origin, similar in structure to human collagen. The groundbreaking discovery of Polish scientists who managed to obtain the most active collagen from marine fish protein allowed for the production of cosmetics that effectively inhibit the aging process of the skin. Treatment with its use guarantees very satisfactory and extremely fast results. 


There are many preparations available on the market of the cosmetics industry, based on active collagen. These include, among others, anti-wrinkle tablets. The collagen contained in them is absorbed in the intestine and due to the fact that it does not undergo metabolic processes or is excreted, practically all of its content is assimilated by the body. Collagen obtained from fish quickly replenishes the resulting deficiencies and immediately improves the condition of the epidermis by inhibiting the aging process. Dedicated by experts in the field of cosmetics, active collagen for the skin can also be the content of creams or lotions. Collagen for the face in the form of a cream is also enriched with other active ingredients, which in combination have a very good effect on the condition of the skin, improving its elasticity and significantly reducing the already noticeable mimic wrinkles and those resulting from aging. 


In addition to taking measures that contain collagen protein, it is also worth taking care of a special diet. Consumption of appropriate products rich not only in fibrous protein but also in vitamins C, A, E and sulfur, which strengthen collagen structures, can also be slightly less effective compared to preparations with active collagen to improve the condition of skin tissue and slightly slow down the aging process . A diet rich in collagen is based primarily on the consumption of protein of fish origin, the structure of which is most similar to human. It is worth introducing fish jellies and fresh fish to your daily diet. The expected results can also be obtained by reaching for meat or fruit jellies more often. The collagen protein contained in them is absorbed to a much lesser extent than collagen obtained from fish, but it largely complements its deficiencies in our body. To support the collagen structures of tissues, you should additionally reach for vegetables and fruits with increased content of vitamin C, such as cranberries, citrus fruits and chili, vitamin A, which can be found in carrots, beets and pumpkin, and consume almonds, nuts or vegetable oils rich in in vitamin E.  

Products Collagen 👇👇👇👇 

Collagen Select: https://bit.ly/3Vr0CyM 

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