Why Your Skin Needs Collagen So Much

Beauty In Collagen Collagen, so appreciated not only in medicine but also in the cosmetics industry, is, according to the scientific definition, a protein of a fibrous nature, which is one of the most important components of the human and animal body. It is responsible for the elasticity, firmness and maximum hydration of the skin as well as the reconstruction of its cells. However, over time, our body loses the ability to spontaneously produce collagen in tissues. Its deficiencies cause less elasticity of the skin and the appearance of the first wrinkles. Defects in collagen fibers are also the result of many diseases and overloading of the osteoarticular system. In order to stop the process of collagen depletion and to supplement its deficiencies, the cosmetics market offers preparations containing collagen of animal or plant origin, similar in structure to human collagen. The groundbreaking discovery of Polish scientists who managed to obtain the most active collagen from mari...